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The 9 Most Anticipated AR Glasses of 2023 and Onwards

The pioneering AR glasses set to transform our digital landscape in 2023 and beyond


The realm of Augmented Reality (AR) is undergoing a transformative phase. As industries and consumers alike embrace the potential of AR, the market for AR glasses is burgeoning. This article presents a curated list of the top 9 AR glasses that promise to redefine our digital interactions in 2023 and beyond.

1. Apple Glasses

Apple’s venture into AR glasses is a culmination of its commitment to innovation. With a design philosophy that emphasizes user-centricity, Apple Glasses are expected to redefine AR experiences, offering a blend of luxury, technology, and seamless integration with the iOS ecosystem.

Key Features:

  • Gesture-controlled commands: Navigate the digital world with intuitive gestures.
  • Integration with Apple’s ecosystem: Seamless connectivity with iOS devices.
  • Immersive AR experiences: Rich and detailed augmented reality overlays.

Technical Specifications

  • Truevision display ensures crisp visuals
  • Option for prescription lenses catering to a wider audience
  • Starboard/RealityOS integration for a fluid user experience

Yet to be announced, but expected to be premium.

2. Meta Glasses (Project Nazare)

Meta’s AR glasses are a testament to the company’s vision of creating a comprehensive metaverse. They promise to offer immersive experiences, bridging the gap between the digital and physical realms.
Key Features

  • Wide AR overlay: A broader field of view for augmented content.
  • Hologram display: 3D visuals that enhance user immersion.
  • Integration with the Meta platform: Access to a vast array of apps and services.

Technical Specifications

  • Ultra-sleek design for comfort
  • Multiple sensors for accurate AR placement
  • Expected 5mm thickness ensuring portability


Estimated to be above $299, targeting both consumers and professionals.

3. Xiaomi Wireless AR Glass Discovery Edition

Xiaomi’s AR glasses are a reflection of the company’s innovative spirit. Designed to be both stylish and functional, they promise to deliver high-end AR experiences.
Key Features

  • “Retina-level” adaptive display: Ensuring clear and vibrant visuals.
  • Lighting adjustment: Adapts to ambient lighting for optimal viewing.
  • Hand tracking: Intuitive interaction with augmented content.

Technical Specifications

  • Durable carbon fiber frame
  • Snapdragon Spaces tethering for seamless connectivity.

Pricing: Yet to be announced, but expected to be competitive.

4. Oppo Air Glass 2

Oppo’s Air Glass 2 is a testament to the company’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of AR technology. Building on the foundation of their initial model, these glasses are designed to be an indispensable tool for both casual users and professionals, offering a blend of performance and style.

Key Features:

  • Built-in battery and display: Ensuring longer usage without the need for frequent charging.
  • Gesture controls: An intuitive way to navigate and interact with AR content.
  • App integration: Seamless access to a plethora of AR applications.

Technical Specifications

  • Advanced AR overlay for richer visuals
  • Lightweight design for comfort during extended use


Yet to be announced, but expected to be in the mid-range segment.

5. Magic Leap 2

Magic Leap’s dedication to creating immersive AR experiences is evident in their second iteration. The Magic Leap 2, designed with the needs of enterprises in mind, promises to transform workflows, making tasks more interactive and efficient.

Key Features

  • Eye and hand tracking: For a more intuitive and immersive interaction.
  • 6DoF tracking: Allowing users to move and interact in a three-dimensional space.
  • Advanced optics: Delivering crystal-clear visuals.

Technical Specifications

  • A wide 70° Field of View (FOV) for comprehensive visuals
  • 16GB RAM ensuring smooth performance
  • A resolution of 1440 x 1760 for crisp images


Priced at $3299, targeting professionals and enterprises.

6. Rokid Air AR Glasses

Rokid’s AR glasses are a cinephile’s dream come true. Designed with a focus on entertainment, they promise to transform movie-watching into an immersive experience, bringing the magic of cinema to the comfort of one’s home.

Key Features

  • HD 1080p OLED display: For vibrant and clear visuals.
  • 120-inch cinematic experience: Transforming any space into a personal theater.
  • 3D AR video access: Taking movie-watching to the next level.

Technical Specifications

  • Lightweight and foldable design for portability
  • An impressive 8-hour battery life for extended viewing sessions.


Priced around $425, offering value for entertainment enthusiasts.

7. Hypernova (by Meta)

Image source: Meta


Hypernova is Meta’s answer to the demand for affordable yet feature-rich AR glasses. Designed to democratize AR technology, these glasses aim to bring augmented reality to a wider audience without compromising on quality.

Key Features

  • Wide AR overlay: For a comprehensive augmented view.
  • Integration with Meta platform: Ensuring access to a vast ecosystem of apps and services.
  • User-friendly design: Prioritizing comfort and ease of use.

Technical Specifications

  • A lightweight design for extended wear
  • Long battery life ensuring uninterrupted AR experiences.


Yet to be announced, but expected to cater to the budget segment.

8. Ray-Ban Stories Smart Glasses (by Meta)

The result of a collaboration between iconic eyewear brand Ray-Ban and tech giant Meta, these glasses are a perfect blend of style and technology. They cater to the modern user who values aesthetics as much as functionality.

Key Features

  • Camera for photos and videos: Capture moments without reaching for a phone.
  • Audio capabilities: Listen to music or take calls on the go.
  • Stylish design: Classic Ray-Ban aesthetics with a modern twist.

Technical Specifications

  • High-quality lenses ensuring clear visuals
  • Built-in storage for photos and videos


Yet to be announced, but expected to be in the premium segment.

9. Vuzix Blade 2

Vuzix’s commitment to innovation shines through in their upgraded Blade glasses. Designed to cater to a diverse audience, from tech enthusiasts to professionals, these glasses promise enhanced AR experiences without compromising on comfort.

Key Features

  • Clear display: For optimal AR visuals
  • Voice control: Hands-free navigation and interaction
  • Touchpad interface: An intuitive way to navigate the AR space

Technical Specifications

  • Enhanced battery life for prolonged use
  • Improved connectivity options ensuring seamless integration with devices.


Yet to be announced, but expected to be competitive.

Wrapping Up

The future of AR glasses is bright, with each year heralding the arrival of more advanced, user-centric devices. As technology continues to evolve, AR glasses are set to become an integral part of our daily lives, seamlessly merging our physical and digital realities.

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