Online fashion retailer Myntra is making use of future-tech like data mining and artificial intelligence to optimize design based on popular choices. The new methodology has been tested in daughter companies Moda Rapido and Here and Now, powered by AI. The general response to these “machine-generated” designs has been largely positive, showing huge potential in the future.
“The software uses data like designs and styles that are popular, cuts that customers prefer… it, then, comes up with designs on its own using AI that have been used by the two in-house brands,” said Myntra Chief Products Officer Ambarish Kenghe.
He added that Myntra seeks to licence the software to companies in India and other countries.

“Technology has been at the core of Myntra. We have huge amount of data available in terms of what people are looking for, what they are actually buying and what they aren’t,” he said.
Apart from using machines to come up with new designs, Myntra is also looking at using augmented reality (AR) to change the way they interact with users..
Myntra is working on a new feature for their app that will rate users on their attire and make it more fashionable.
“It uses the camera of the phone, figures out what you are wearing and then provides a rating. It is for the fashion-conscious audience who would want to wear the latest trends and be seen as fashionable,” Kenghe said.
Even cooler is the concept for ‘talking t-shirts’ for its Roadster brand. The roadster T-shirt design comes to life when pointed at with the application.
“We have a design where users can see various parts of a motorcycle’s engine. While its early and it will be sometime before the t-shirt hits the market, but we think there are a number of ways in which various brands can leverage this,” Kenghe said.
The motive behind this development is to help Myntra distinguish itself from other players.
Fashion is the largest and fastest growing industries out there. With Flipkart acquiring Myntra, acquiring Jabong, there seems to be an emerging superpower in the world of fashion.